Friday, December 1, 2017

Thai Amulet Shop Blog

Welcome to Thai Amulet Shop Blog - Many amulets from many great Thai Buddhist Masters will be presented on the blog, and available in the store for your perusal.

Thai Amulets are a worldwide phenomenon with millions of devotees around the world worshiping and wearing Thai Amulets for Good Fortune, Auspicious Living, Good Health, and Protection from danger. The vast range of different amulets to be found in Thailand is unimaginably large, with many thousands of different designs, and magical powers attributed to them.

Different people collect amulets in different ways; Some collect only from a chosen master, others collect only a particular kind of magical power type, whereas other collect based on the materials used, and the design factors. Some collectors are interested in the amulet for Buddhist practice and Worship, others for Gurunussati Mindfulness of the Guru, whereas some even speculate the marketplace to intuit and predict high price rises before they happen, and invest in the amulets they think will become the most valuable as time passes.

Be it for collectorship and showmanship, or for religious reverence, or seeking magical assistance, Thai Buddhist Amulets, Animist Charms and Magic Talismans provide a refuge for an assortment of people, for differing reasons.

Thai Amulets can also be considered to be a form of Miniature Buddhist and Cultural Art, and can be studied and enjoyed in this academic context