Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Ajarn Plien Makes Nam Man Prai OIl in Khao Or Cave
Ajarn Plien performs the Piti Hung Nam Man Prai Sacred Oil Boiling Ceremony within the Sacred Cave at the Khao Or Mountain in Pattalung, and performs Blessings. Ancient Buddha Magic Practised in the Present Era. Ajarn Plien is currently the head Adept of the Lay Master section of the Dtamnak Dtak Sila Khao Or Southern Academy of Sorcery and resident at Wat Don Sala Temple. Responsible for the Brahman Invocation Deva Abhiseka ceremonies of the Khao Or Master Monks, ad Master of Ceremonies, and a Highly Regarded Old Lay Master who was with the Great Masters of Old of the Khao or tradition, to receive their Powerful Wicha. Top Lay Master in Thailand.